Saturday, April 27, 2013


The Scifi Boys

The Scifi Boys is a documentary follow scifi filmmakers and the special effects that inspire them to work in science fiction. Peter Jackson and the guys from ILM talking about what they do? I'm down.

I have always loved documentaries. Any documentary related to show business is my favorite. I also have a great love of sci-fi, so this film was really perfect for me. As I said before, Star Wars was what inspired me to be an actor. I wanted to know how lightsabers were made and how I could fly a space ship like Han Solo. This documentary showed me that it wasn't easy.


Based on the comic "2000 AD" and the Stalone film "Judge Dredd", Dredd was a wonderful update with less cheesy acting.

The camera movement was very fluid in the action sequences. I imagine dolly's were

In Dredd many of the characters use a drug know as "Slowmo" which makes the user think that time is going at one percent it's normal rate. The film went between slow motion affects in the perspective of the user and normal frame speed in the perspective of Judge Dredd.

This shot looks very much like it could be a frame on a comic page. Excellent effects.


Sunday, February 3, 2013

Warm Bodies (Zombie Hipsters)

The film "Warm Bodies" is a romantic comedy twist on a genre of films that were originally boxed into horror. The zombie is an ideal Byronic hero, as it is usually feared and outcast. Obviously based on Romeo and Juliet with characters name "R" and "Julie". This film broke the fourth wall in the humorous dialogue. The main characters
are identifiable with youth today with their "hipster-like" clothing and love of vinyl records.

Action shots were shaky. The camera was unfocused in quite a few zoom and pan shots.
The character relationships were well establish in dialogue and acting, even with the burden of having to act dead. Their interactions allowed us to see past the blood and rotting flesh to see them as humans.

Bony's, the main villain of the film, were very frightening and realistic.

If you're cynical about love and want to see a horror film full of gore, this is not the film for you. If you like romantic comedies, this might be a great step into undiscovered territory. I think it is very cute love story.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Doctor Who and the Snowmen. Spoilers.

Well folks, the TARDIS has changed and so did the Doctor Who Art Direction. The style and color pallet of the show has gone the direction of Sherlock. Even the Doctor's wardrobe is like Sherlock.

The is beautiful framing of the Doctor and Clara. This episode raised so many new questions about Clara. I feel that if I really discussed the plot I would ruin it for you.