Wednesday, August 29, 2012

WTF TRUE BLOOD? (Season 5 Finale Review)

I really enjoyed watching True Blood when it first started. I read the books and then began to watch the show when it aired. Until the fourth season the show followed the books well. Now Alan Ball has gone crazy.

 I felt so many separate story line caused the story to drag, for me anyway.  I understand having a B plot, but in the beginning of the season we had about five or six separate story lines going on. I was there for Sookie and the vampires. I really don't like Sam having his own story line. Great character, but I really just thought he would be the back up for Sookie. The eleventh episode led me to believe that they would have a hard time wrapping up the season. I was very pleased to see Russell die within the first few minutes.

I was unsure whether I enjoyed the obvious social commentary on religious fundamentalism and civil rights. It was a motif I've liked until now. It has become so obvious that it is not as interesting anymore. Steve Newlin turning out to be gay was a ridiculous character move, if only because that character type is seen too often.

I was very upset that Lafayette was used as filler in these last two episodes.
Lafayette as a Medium

And then there was Bilith.

What the fuck True Blood?

Friday, August 24, 2012

Media Survey

The way I use media is mostly the internet. I browse the internet maybe four hours a night. I read the NY Times or the Huffington Post for maybe an hour. I also watch the Rachel Maddow Show on MSNBC which is usually an hour long. I do not have cable so the internet is my main source for media. Being part of a play doesn't give me as much time as I would like to browse the internet as I would like to or at least this past week.

I know it would seem that I like more liberal sources of news and that's true. I feel like it's just in response to growing up listening to the conservative media that my parents listened to.

Watching a live stream from occupy London allowed me to see first hand what was happening with Julian Assange and the Ecuadorian embassy.

I enjoy reading things on the internet more than in print.

I am willing to expose myself to all sorts of media. I would just prefer to not watch Fox News.

Monday, August 20, 2012


I forgot to mention in my video production class that Star Wars is one of my favorite films and the reason I enjoy acting. This was the film that fostered my imagination as a child.

I realized acting was a way to explore and live in imaginary worlds.


I could be a hero.